Consider gifting loved ones with financial security through insurance. Understand how gifting insurance can provide long-term financial stability and a secure future.
Achim Steiner, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations & Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme rightly observes: “In 1992, the risks to people and the planet from accelerating environmental degradation and social inequalities were just being glimpsed.
‘Act of God’ refers to natural disasters that are not caused by any human intervention. In fact, it pertains to natural catastrophic occurrences that are beyond the slightest degree of human control.
As the IRDAI prepares to unleash these momentous guidelines, the stage is set for a transformative shift in the realm of health insurance for senior citizens. The newfound hope instilled by this standard health insurance product will usher in a future where the elderly can navigate their medical journeys with greater ease, security, and peace of mind.